Know Thy Salmon, Know Thyself

Know Thy Salmon, Know Thyself

Have you ever wondered about the differences between King, Coho and Sockeye Salmon? Sea to Table carries all three species, and while we love them all, it can be hard to choose between them. They’re all wild, they’re all caught by US fishermen using sustainable methods and they’re all delicious. But the subtle differences between the three species is where the magic lies. Read on for a salmon primer, and discover how each species, although similar, are unique.

Check out some of our other blog posts for even more info about wild versus farmed salmon, gmo salmon, and various salmon factoids.

Alaska King Salmon

King Salmon, also known as Chinook, is often considered the most delicious. Its moist, buttery-smooth texture makes it feel like a total treat. Kings also are the highest in fat, including those amazing omega 3’s. King Salmon is so prized that it is hard to find outside the menus of high end restaurants. Wild Alaskan King Salmon is also the most expensive of the salmons, but trust us, it’s worth the splurge.

plated king salmon

Alaska Sockeye Salmon

Sockeye Salmon delivers a deep, rich flavor… it’s the most “salmony” of all our salmons. It’s lean flesh is an unmistakable vibrant red, which is a result of its exceptionally high levels of an antioxidant pigment called astaxanthin. In combination with Omega-3 fatty acids, astaxanthin is believed to protect the nervous system and brain from inflammation.

plated sockeye photo

Alaska Coho Salmon

The mildest of our salmon species, the Coho, or Silver, salmon is a great gateway fish for salmon newbies. But, like Sockeye and King, still packs in boatloads of omega 3’s. Its orange-red flesh is firm, making Coho great for the grill.

So there you have it. Three different types of salmon, all wonderful in their own unique ways. If you are still not sure what salmon will be your favorite, why not do your own taste test? Sea to Table makes choosing your favorite easy with our Salmon Lover’s Box. Each box contains a total of 14 servings, including all three species. Let us know which one you like the best!

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