Seafood and the grill are a match made in heaven, and our Grill Master's Kit features some of the best grilling fish that America has to offer. No matter whether your fuel of choice is gas or charcoal, grilling imparts a wonderful smokiness that enhances, rather than overpowers, even the most delicate of fish. There’s more to grilled seafood than just shrimp on the barbie (although skewers of Wild Gulf Shrimp are one of our favorites).
Defrost Slow and Steady
Keep your fish in the freezer until the day before you're ready to grill. Read this post for simple thawing instructions. Gently pat your fish dry with a paper towel before preparing.
Keep Seasoning Simple
You can never go wrong with salt and pepper. Add a pat of herbed butter or a squeeze of citrus at the end to make the simple into something spectacular. Try a simple marinade, or a zesty finishing mop of garlic, oil and chili powder for the best grilled fish tacos you have ever had. Better yet, give our Grilled Halibut With Rhubarb recipe a try (pictured above).
Consider the Heat Source
Whether cooking with gas or charcoal, most seafood does well over direct heat. Preparation is key: remember to preheat your grill… including the grate! To be sure fish doesn’t stick, oil the fish, not the grate. If you like a smokier flavor, try adding soaked wood chips in a foil packet directly into the coals.
It’s All About Timing
Forget the old adage about 10 minutes per inch; on the grill that will almost certainly result in overcooked fish. Seven or eight minutes is plenty. Your fish is done when it almost flakes with a fork, and it can happen sooner than you expect.
Don't Flip Out
When grilling fish filets, resist the temptation to flip too often… or sometimes, at all. Skin-on fillets do just fine grilled skin side down (with the lid closed) until done. Whether you plan to flip or not, the advice above bears repeating… be sure to oil the fish. If your grill grates were hot and your fish oiled, you should be able to turn it without tearing.
A Note On Lobster
Lobster tails couldn't be easier to grill, with their shell helping to prevent sticking. With a sharp knife and a cutting board, cut the tail in half lengthwise, so that each tail is now two pieces. Baste these with butter or oil, and toss on a grill set to medium heat (approx 350ᵒ). Grill for 3 minutes with the flesh side to the flame, then flip and finish on the shell side for another 3-4 minutes, with the grill covered. It is done when the meat is opaque and easy to remove from the shell, which should take just 5-6 minutes total.

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