Sea Stories — sustainable

FQA: Fish Questions Answered, Vol. 2

FQA: Fish Questions Answered, Vol. 2

Here we answer all your searing questions about fish, from the mundane to the metaphysical, from recipes to randoms. We’ll dispense guidance and advice to help you navigate the piscine part of your existence just like Dear Abby, if Abby were obsessed with fish. Speaking of obsessed with fish, FQA is dished out by Helen Stonhill, our Marketing Deckhand. Helen splits her time between Sea to Table and her duties as a real deckhand on the F/V Mabel out of Charleston, Oregon. If you would like to have Helen answer a question in this column, just send her an email...

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The Truth about Pacific Cod

The Truth about Pacific Cod

Recent media accounts have cast the sustainability of Alaskan Pacific Cod in doubt. Here’s what you need to know. In Early December, NPR published an article with the alarming headline “Alaska Cod Fishery Closes And Industry Braces For Ripple Effect”. Almost immediately, we started hearing from some of our customers and clients with questions about the availability and sustainability of Sea to Table Alaskan Pacific Cod.  We, too, were taken off guard by the headline, which when taken out of context to its accompanying story read like an alarm bell to the entire Alaskan cod fishery. In truth only a...

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Fish are rich in Omega 3's

Omega 3, the Wonder Fat

Most scientists have agreed that Omega-3’s are essential for proper cell function. But how do you get them, and how much is enough?

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Dungeness Crab Season in Full Swing

Dungeness Crab Season in Full Swing

Dungeness Crab is the most commercially important crab in the Pacific Northwest. With a range that spans from Southern California up to Alaska, it is a delicacy not to be missed when the season is in full force. The name Dungeness is a reference to the Dungeness Spit, a stretch of land in Northwest Washington State. Dungeness Crab live in Intertidal zones to a depth of 170 meters. They have a mild sweet taste and weigh 1.5-3 lbs on average. They are rated by the Monterey Bay Aquarium Seafood Watch as Good Alternative. The 2016-2017 season was one of the largest...

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